When you are young, studying on time, completing homework is something you have to be told. This continues until you reach college, where we slowly realize no one is telling you to do things, no one will remind you about the assignments, it's our own responsibility. As time passes we become more responsible, and once you get a job you have accountability, and with that accountability comes unrealistic expectations, which occasionally your employer forces on you, but more often than not you force on yourself. In this rat race to be successful, to do extra work to stand out in the hopes of earning more or be promoted you greatly overwork yourself. And this idea of overworking is considered completely fine even though it takes a heavy toll in your body and normalizing this same idea in the eye of society has resulted in young adults being burnout. Now you might not normally notice this, apart from being heavily exhausted occasionally, but if you look hard enough you can see signs in your daily life. From not being able to go Pub hopping with friends because you are too tired to cancelling weekend getaways with your partner to couple-friendly hotels in Delhi or Couple friendly hotels in Kolkata or any other metro city, these signs of overwork are always going to be more evident in for people in metro cities. This is majorly due to the higher concentration of wealthy people in metro cities, which serves as a yardstick for younger adults. No one wants their personal life to get so heavily affected by from their work, the same goes for health, so make things easier here are 5 signs that show you need a break.

1. Waking up to being nauseous


The mind has a great influence over the body. Your body is great with giving signals before you burnout yourself too much, and one of the most common ones is waking up nauseous or with bad headaches even when you technically had decent hours of sleep. A very good sign to check this is normally the first night sleep during the vacation. Take this scenario you complete your work to go on a trip with your partner, you reach the couple friendly hotel and go to sleep so you are fully energized for the next day and you wake up nauseous. This is a huge sign of you need breaks more often and secondly, you need to cut down on work a bit, because even though you're on a vacation your body takes a bit of time to remove the stress from your mind.

2. Difficulty sleeping


In theory, if you're working too much, you should be tired much more, hence you should sleep like a baby moment you are met with anything that remotely resembles a bed, but practically workload plagues your mind. If you are having a hard time falling asleep after a long day of work because your mind is filled with all the work you need to complete next day and follow up thoughts of if you are doing good enough, that is a signal you should not neglect. To avoid such issues one should not strictly go off from work to sleep, because again our mind takes a bit time to forget the recent workload we had. So a solution to this is complete your work at least 3 hours before you sleep or stop. Then go for a walk, have some food, watch a movie, essentially shift your mind from work to something else. As a result, you'd not be in a vicious cycle of negative thoughts about your work. one should also avoid using any kind of digital screen before sleep, especially surfing social media on the phone while in bed. This again adds unwanted thought to your mind which you are likely to overthink about.

3. Unhealthy eating patterns


Another very common sign of you need a break from work is weird eating patterns. If you catch yourself not eating enough, or just skipping meals without even realizing you might be overworking and in need of more break. This, just like mentioned before will persist in your personal life. Like if you planned this amazing dinner date at a couple of friendly hotel with your partner and you are not feeling like eating much even though the food is amazing so is the company. In theory again, one needs to take less work and be more stress-free to function properly so they have a normal apatite. But as normally it takes time to shrug of work, feeling facing less apatite should have a fixed eating schedule which has smaller but more frequent meals to keep the body going, or you might get burnout physically due to lack of nutrients in the body for healthy functionality. Also, the opposite can happen, meaning if you are overworking and getting burned out, you might end up overeating, which would normally be junks food and fast food. This again can lead to health issues due to too much consumption of junk food.

4. Easily being sad


Probably the hardest to keep track on the list, this is a tricky one. Everyone is sad time to time so it is quite normal, but there are times when the smallest of inconvenience hits you and you feel overwhelmed. For example, if you planned a trip with your partner for a small weekend trip to a small cozy couple friendly hotel in Kolkata, but for whatever reason, the booking gets cancelled. A normal person would feel a momentary sadness followed by looking for other option, whereas if you are someone overworking that momentary sadness would persist for days, and would just feel overwhelmed with emotions. The best way to tackle such a situation is to first identify these moments, followed by talk to your close friends about how your feeling and trying to figure why are you're feeling a certain way.

5. Falling efficiency


Most of the time when you make a mistake during work, you either blame it on yourself for not being attentive enough or an external factor which was beyond your control. While both cases are feasible, more often than not you don't account maybe it is just because you have too much workload. So while in a literal sense it is your fault, but it is not because you weren't attentive or not good enough. but you have too much to chew. If you feel you're going through the same it is highly recommended to cut down work yourself or talk to your manager. Don't be scared, a good manager any day would have an employee who does less but quality work than more but below-average work.


These were few of the most common signs one exhibits when they need a break from work. But you should always keep on mind the signs are not limited to these signs only, and there are more detailed ways to deal with fatigue and stress. Lastly having bad mental was an unsaid sign mentioned in the article. At the end of the day does it matter how much success you received or wealth you earned at the cost of deteriorating physical and mental health and personal life? The answer for most will always be no.